ocr: - - - - - ABOUT - - - - TUS - Monkey Farm Solfware hhes been around since the beginnag of June when we released QUP first thle. We are dedicared to the Madinosh pariori, because we love and we fhlak Applel Is golagplaces, Qurgoal Is 1o maketota y unique games fOr fhe Mac. We release tnem as sharevare to reduce the GoSt fo you So far wel have released fwo Onher thiles besides Bob. FlFST was Dream Wars whidh has4 Stages Grammed wihh Olevalsapfece and Gl boss.If you Ganger past those 4 Siages then yougerto figar Efl Gares, Vou have 15 weapons to helps you dongi The way. Qur second fihe, War Machi ...